Literary Boston
Your Guide to the Boston Literary Community
Formerly the Boston Book Blog • Founded 2012

Interviews, articles, and more, giving you a deep dive into the local literary community
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Boston-Area Readings and Events
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Local Literary News
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Boston Literary History
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Literary Boston (formerly the Boston Book Blog) is dedicated to covering and promoting the literary scene of Boston, with features on local authors and literary organizations, local author new releases, Boston literary news, local readings and events, Boston literary history, and more.
Jessica A. Kent, our founder, moved (back) to Boston in 2012 to pursue a writing career, and when she arrived she looked online for a site that covered the Boston literary community, a site that could tell her all the things going on locally that had to do with books, writers, and readers.
She didn't find anything. So she started one herself.
The Boston literary community is vibrant, diverse, and has great roots. We desire to be a resource to writers and readers, providing the information and tools necessary to know what great readings to go to, what workshops to attend, what books to read, where to pick up a new novel, and more — the go-to spot for all things literary in Boston!